15 January 2011


I haven't done anything all day except eat (Five Guys' fries are sinfully delicious), look for a graduation dress--not premature at all--and shoes, sort the French music a friend gave me, find album covers for iTunes, and also find a vinyl headboard wall sticker (here, how cool is that? If I repaint my room before I leave for college, which is the plan, it would go so well with my proposed new theme...).

Hmm...what happened to my work ethic realization? I suppose the idea of a three-day weekend makes me lazier than usual. Nevertheless, I'm going to take a short nap, head off to church for a combined dinner, and then come home. I promise to tackle my AP Lit midterm and start Physics after that.

Let's see if I keep my self-promises...

(On another note, I actually love all the French music I received. There's something so whimsical and beautiful about the language. I can't wait to delve deeper into the culture and language in college!)

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